Aconite, Rescue remedy
Sudden feeling of panic, intense fear of dying, shock and terror (e.g., after an accident), for acute claustrophobia or for anxiety during acute illness
Recommended: For all acute or feverish complaints that appear suddenly and with intensity. For best results, take the remedy as soon as the symptoms appear :
- often caused by dry cold, cold wind, panic and shock
- complaints come suddenly and are extremely fierce
- fever rises rapidly and may be very high, with a hot, dry skin
- patient is extremely restless and anxious
- intense thirst for cold drinks

Argentum nitricum
Fear of forthcoming events, such as a journey or an interview. You constantly feel in a hurry, are possibly claustrophobic, may have a fear of flying or of heights and a craving for sweet things
Nervous fear of exams or interviews, or suffer from stage fright, with trembling, weakness, loose stools and a feeling of failure
- For flu, fears, stage fright and nervous exhaustion.
- flu with initial chills that run up and down the spine
- head flu with a pain that rises from the back of the
- neck up to the eyes (sometimes accompanied by disturbed vision)
- you feel tired and exhausted; you cannot keep your eyes open
- physical and mental fatigue, feeling shivering and achy
- anticipatory fears, such as exams, interviews (possibly with trembling and diarrhoea)
Arsenicum album
People who suffer from the cold, from a feeling of great anxiety and panic, who feel very weak and internally restless. The condition is aggravated by loneliness and darkness.
Recommended: For food poisoning with vomiting and diarrhoea, colds and asthmatic coughs, insomnia
- you feel cold, weak, restless and anxious
- the slightest exertion is utterly exhausting
- diarrhoea, vomiting and spastic stomach cramps
- cold with a runny nose, cough with wheezing
- burning pains
- desire for warmth and warm drinks